Breeders Code of Ethics

All breeders listed in the AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory and who offer puppies for sale or adult dogs for sale to the public, are currently being asked to agree to the following Code of Ethics and to be bound by its standard of behavior. Failure to comply will result in removal from our Breeders Directory.

  • I will provide information on the characteristics and properties of the breed to interested individuals.

  • I will maintain a safe, clean and sanitary facility for all stud dogs, bitches, adult dogs for sale and puppies for sale.

  • I will breed only for the purpose of improving the quality of the breed. I will conscientiously plan each litter of puppies for sale, selecting a stud dog and bitch to be mated based on their pedigrees, conformation and temperament.

  • I will be knowledgeable about inherited health problems in my breed and will do appropriate health clearances on all breeding animals. Copies of these health clearances will be available to buyers of adult dogs for sale and puppies for sale.

  • I will not knowingly misrepresent the characteristics of the breed, nor falsely advertise, or mislead any person regarding the performance of any dogs for sale or puppies for sale.

  • I will not breed any male or female until they are both physically and mentally mature, and I will not continue to breed any male or female beyond an appropriate age for the breed.

  • I will comply with all federal, state or provincial and local government laws and regulations concerning the keeping of dogs.

  • I will provide only AKC, UKC FCI or Canadian Kennel Club (in Canada) registered puppies for sale.

  • I will refrain from releasing any puppy until it is at least eight (8) weeks old.

  • I will show discrimination in the sale of my puppies and be concerned with the type of homes in which they are placed. I will make buyers aware of their responsibilities as dog owners. I will not sell or donate dogs to commercial dog wholesalers, dealers, brokers, retailers, pet shops or any other person or organization, for resale or "give-away" to the public. I will not supply puppies for charity raffles or auctions.

  • I will keep accurate records and retain those records for a minimum of five years. These records will include: stud service contracts, pedigrees, all litters of puppies for sale, and all dogs/puppies sold.

  • At time of sale, I will provide the buyer:

    1. a properly executed Registration Certificate. Registration materials may be withheld if a written statement is provided to the new owner of when, and under what conditions, they will be provided (e.g. until the time of spay or neuter by the new owner as verified by a veterinarian, or if a written certification identifying the exact date of birth, and the AKC registration numbers of the Sire and Dam is provided instead).

    2. written, three-generation pedigree.

    3. health record including a diet, inoculation and parasite control record, and health guarantee.

    4. basic diet and care information.

    5. time frame during which the puppy or dog may be examined by a licensed veterinarian, at the buyer's expense, and, upon written recommendation of the veterinarian for specific reasons, the puppy or dog may be retuned to the seller for a full refund of all money paid.


  • I will not deliberately degrade any fancier, their dogs, or their kennel.

  • I agree to be a resource for buyers of puppies or older dogs that I have sold for the life of the dog.

All breeders in AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory are currently being asked to agree to the above Code of Ethics and to be bound by its standard of behavior.

To review the Code of Ethics for specific breed clubs, you'll find their web sites by visiting for American Kennel Club recognized breeds, for United Kennel Club recognized breeds and for Canadian breed clubs.

AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory assumes no responsibility for the quality, health, or temperament of any dog, nor the warranty, guarantee, integrity, honesty or reliability, expressed or implied, by any person or of or by any person or organization whose name appears in the AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory. All such warranties, guarantees and promises are between buyer(s) and seller(s) as individuals.

All buyers are strongly encouraged to carefully document, in writing, all representations, promises, statements, warranties and guarantees made by sellers of puppies for sale and older dogs for sale. Such documentation should be signed by the seller. AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory cannot and does not become involved in resolving conflicts and disagreements between buyers and sellers. AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory responsibility is limited to requesting assurance from listed breeders that they abide by terms of the AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory Code of Ethics.

AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory is interested in the integrity of the breeders listed in its directory and welcomes comments and feedback (whether positive or negative) from anyone who contacts the breeders listed.

To file a complaint against a breeder listed in the AKC/FCI Dog Breeders Directory, you must provide specific information that describes why the member is alleged to be deficient in his or her responsibilities with regard to the Breeders Code of Ethics. Complaints must be written and signed by a person who has had direct interaction with the listed breeder. Complaints should be sent to